March 25-27 preconference workshops March 24 hyatt regency crystal city
arlington, va

Elias Tzoc

Digital Initiatives Librarian
Miami University

Elias Tzoc is a graduate of the School of Information at the University of Texas at Austin and currently the Digital Initiatives Librarian at Miami University Libraries. His current/recent work includes: developing and prototyping web interfaces for digital projects using CONTENTdm, DSpace, WordPress, and Omeka; researching for new access points and mobile apps for digital library programs using the jQuery mobile framework and Responsive Web Design standards; researching and publishing on technical issues and open source apps for libraries; and working on grant-funded projects sponsored by organizations like NEH, IMLS, ALA, and OHC.

Computers in Libraries 2015

Monday April 27, 2015

4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

B105: Video Streaming Tips & Learnings

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