March 25-27 preconference workshops March 24 hyatt regency crystal city
arlington, va

Patricia Martin

Litlamp Communications
& Author, Renaissance Generation: The Rise of the Cultural Consumer and What It Means to Your Business

Patricia Martin, a noted expert on commerce and culture, is author of the book Renaissance Generation: The Rise of the Cultural Consumer and What it Means to Your Business. She pioneered the point of view that the convergence of art, technology and learning are remaking the American consumer. As CEO of LitLamp Communications, she helps knowledge-economy leaders successfully position, package and pitch their ambitious ideas in a changing culture. Martin conjured a sponsorship strategy for the Asian tour of the New York Philharmonic, spearheaded a viral Information Privacy initiative funded by George Soros, and launched Animal Planet. Before founding the firm in 1995, Martin created the first-of-its-kind sponsorship marketing division for the ALA.

Computers in Libraries 2017

Wednesday March 29, 2017

8:45 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.

Upping Our Game

12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Lunch & Communications Roundtable

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