March 25-27 preconference workshops March 24 hyatt regency crystal city
arlington, va

Richard Darga

Library and Instruction Services
Chicago State University

Richard Darga is currently the Dean of Library and Instruction Services at Chicago State University. He has been an adjunct faculty and university administrator since 2003. Prior to joining Chicago State University he was the Chief Information Officer for Northern Michigan Regional Health System where he lead information technology and telecommunication operations to dramatically expand their use of technology to improve operations and service to patients. Dr. Darga used his dissertation research with distance learning technologies as a foundation to move from his prior responsibility of Service Line Director for Behavior Health and Substance Abuse Services into information management. During his five year tenure with mental health services, he lead an innovative and successful turn around for behavioral services by formally collaborating with public and private organizations to dramatically improve and expand patient services. Dr. Darga has never been afraid of change. His interest in technology and how to harness its power to dramatically improve our lives has lead him back to higher education. He relishes the opportunity to influence our next generation of teachers and leaders to use to technology and change management tools to improve the their lives and lives of generations to come. In addition to his interest in mental health, technology and education, Dr. Darga has been very interested in culture and opportunities to learn from different perspectives. He has traveled extensively, most recently to China. For a year, he studied at the Jagellonian University in Krakow Poland.

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