March 25-27 preconference workshops March 24 hyatt regency crystal city
arlington, va

Sam Brooks

Executive Vice President

Sam Brooks is Executive Vice President in charge of all worldwide marketing, market research, sales, publisher relations and strategic partnerships at EBSCO Information Services. He is heavily involved in product development and is one of the leading content experts in the company. Sam is a member of the steering committees for all major content and technology initiatives for the company.  He is the chief architect of EBSCO’s 21 advisory boards and numerous focus groups.  Sam has visited universities in more than 90 countries and has worked extensively with ministries of education, science and technology, and culture in developing nations to expand access to information.  He has authored papers in major international library science journals, e.g., Serials Review (Elsevier Science), The Library Quarterly (University of Chicago Press), portal: Libraries and the Academy (Johns Hopkins University Press), Information Technology & Libraries (LITA), Journal of Academic Librarianship (Elsevier Science), etc.  Sam has been published in the library publications of more than a dozen countries, including Hungarian Journal of Library & Information Science, KLC Journal (Kazakhstan), EBIB (Poland), Librarianship (Russia), Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences (Taiwan), etc. He also co-edited the book “Library/Vendor Relationships” (Taylor & Francis), published simultaneously as an issue of the Journal of Library Administration.  Sam has participated in panel discussions or appeared as the keynote speaker at many library conferences, including ACRL Chapter Meetings, IFLA, The Charleston Conference, ALCTS Networked Resources & Metadata Committee Meeting, International Congress of Information (Cuba), LITA Technology & Access Committee Meeting, NLA Tri-Round Table, and many others.  He joined EBSCO in July 1991 and is a member of the EBSCO Founder’s Club.

Computers in Libraries 2016

Wednesday March 9, 2016

8:45 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.

Keynote Panel: Executive Perspectives of the Library Tech Industry

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