Wednesday, March 9, 2016
C203: 21st-Century Library: Building on Customer Relationships
1:15 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.Learn how the NIST Research Library’s long-running, customer- facing programs, such as its Lab Liaison program and Research Library Board, instill trust, build community, and help the library plan for the future. Designing a library space doesn’t start when you meet with an architect. Every library effort, past and present, can position your staff to make informed choices for your next library redesign. The NIST Research Library has developed a planning strategy for a major repurposing of its physical space over the course of the next few years. Find out how customer feedback was captured through focus groups and space needs identified through an archival journal study. Learn how the library innovates with temporary and pilot projects, such as an Emerging Technology Bar, that further direct transformation into a 21st-century research library.