Wednesday, March 9, 2016
C205: Creating Tools for the Scientific Community
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.Building on the successful creation of a database of public and private research on Alzheimer’s disease, the NIH Library and the National Institute on Aging are working on a second database designed to provide experimental study details from both published and unpublished studies to capitalize on the value of unsuccessful results as well as successful experimentation. This session discusses how information professionals and web designers worked together to create a tool that can be used by the scientific community; how detailed knowledge about clinical and preclinical research, as well as information architecture, adds value to the database design process; how information management skills were used to link data from this repository to other databases, adding value to the researchers’ scope of discoverability and range of knowledge; how Drupal and utilities such as ECitMatch and the ELink can be used to collect and present relationships among these studies; how MeSH terms used within a Drupal faceted search fit nicely into this interface’s overall strategy; and more.