March 8-10 Hyatt Regency Crystal City
Arlington, VA
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Tuesday, March 8, 2016

D103: Maker Space & Entrepreneur Incubator

1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Amy Jiang, Library Technology Coordinator, University of La Verne
Dr. Tod Colegrove, Dean of Albertsons Library, Boise State University Emeritus Professor, University of Nevada, Reno & Author, Selecting & Implementing Technologies in Libraries
Tara Radniecki, Head of the DeLaMare Science & Engineering Library, University of Nevada, Reno (UNR)

This session looks at how two university libraries approached creating a makerspace. The first is a private university library that started to bring maker technologies such as 3D printer, 3D scanner, etc., into the library and immediately had faculty from different disciplines come and use them for academic purposes. The faculty started to see the library as a central force to lead a campus wide initiative of the Maker movement, and the library is taking a leadership role in starting a maker club for students and faculty. The second university is a pioneer for makerspaces in academic settings and shares how it is sparking imagination and innovation in many ways from Lego and puzzle kits throughout the library, to 3D printers and laser cutters to design workshops and hack-a-thons. It shares the resources, services, and outreach services that have led students and faculty onto the path of greater innovation and scholarship. Speakers share their experiences on why and how we can get started, as well as challenges and solutions. They also share strategic vision for the future on the development of the makerspace as incubator for young entrepreneurs and how this could fundamentally change how higher education provides a new context for students gaining real-life experience, job skills, and connect what they are passionate about to what they are learning.

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