April 17-19 hyatt regency crystal city
arlington, va
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Thursday, April 19, 2018

C303: Measuring Research & Maximizing Impact Using Bibliometrics & Altmetrics

1:45 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Richard P. Hulser, President, Richard P. Hulser Consulting
Elaine Lasda, Library Strategist, University at Albany Libraries, SUNY

Identifying the ways to measure scholarly influence and research impact remains a vital skill for those who work with researchers. This session provides an overview of advances in bibliometrics and altmetrics to enhance understanding of research impact including in the online environment. Bibliometrics, based on citations in scholarly, peer-reviewed literature, remain essential to describing the influence of scholarly output from entities ranging from individuals, journals, institutions, even nations. Newer citation metrics tools and altmetrics measure much more than “who cited whom.” These tools allow for more nuanced understanding of scholarly influence and capture of metrics in days or weeks instead of years. Case study examples show how these tools help provide data analysis and value of research to senior executives at institutions, potential funders and the general public. Attendees from many sectors, including academic, cultural, government, and corporate institutions involved with research, should find this of value.

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