Thursday, April 19, 2018
Using the Crossref REST API within Scholarly Workflows
11:00 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.The Crossref REST API lets anyone search, filter, facet and sample Crossref metadata related to over 90 million content items with unique Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs). It’s free to use, the code is publicly available and end-users can do whatever they want with the data. In exposing the authoritative cross-publisher metadata to the community in this way, it becomes more accessible, functional and much simpler to integrate with third party systems and services (from the publisher and the end-user side). Smoother workflows and increased discoverability using existing publisher processes - what’s not to like? Hear how third parties can, and do use the API to integrate publisher metadata into their own products and services, e.g. Coko Foundation’s Pubsweet ‘science blogger’ alpha, Kudos, Authorea, Open Tree of Life, JournalHub, Impactstory. Also hear about the potential of this API in helping streamline OA workflows within academic institutions.