April 17-19 hyatt regency crystal city
arlington, va
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Monday, April 16, 2018

W16: Metrics Tools: Bibliometrics & Altmetrics Amp Relevance

1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Richard P. Hulser, President, Richard P. Hulser Consulting
Elaine Lasda, Library Strategist, University at Albany Libraries, SUNY

Amp up your relevance to stakeholders by providing them with actionable insights using scholarly metrics such as citation metrics and altmetrics. Scholarly metrics are an effective tool to demonstrate the effect of your organization’s scholarly research and related activities. Learn how your understanding and ability to apply altmetrics in your organization serves to clarify the reach, influence, and impact of your organization’s research output. This workshop is of value to librarians and information managers who work with researchers in institutions of all types, whether academic, cultural, government, or corporate. After a brief refresher on traditional citation metrics (bibliometrics), this hands-on workshop delves into the components of indicators from several popular altmetrics purveyors: PlumX, ImpactStory, and Altmetric.com. Learn the answers to these questions: Where are altmetric indicators starting to appear and what do they tell us? What are the strengths and limitations of various altmetric indicators versus traditional citation metrics and reputation-based indicators? Once the fundamentals are covered, real-life examples demonstrate the application of altmetric indicators to the advantage of various types of enterprises, including academic and nonprofit.

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