March 25-27 preconference workshops March 24 hyatt regency crystal city
arlington, va

Sarah Hoskins

Digital Scholarship Center Specialist
Rowan University Libraries

Sarah Hoskins runs the Digital Scholarship Center at Rowan University. She has a BA in Classical Civilization from Boston University and an MLIS from University of Pittsburgh. Over the last year she has transformed the space from a computer lab to a functional academic environment where students can engage with emerging technologies and faculty can learn about trends in scholarly communication. She connects new students with the tools and skills needed to create digital media projects. Sarah worked on organizing, implementing and evaluating the remote user experience tests as well as using information from all of the tests to improve both the website and library instruction.

Computers in Libraries 2016

Wednesday March 9, 2016

1:15 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.

B203: Evaluating Website Navigation With Usability Tests

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