April 7-9 Hyatt Regency Crystal City
Arlington, VA

Computers in Libraries 2014 Presentations

Monday, April 7, 2014

Discovery, Navigation, & Search
Hack Libraries: Platforms? Playgrounds? Prototypes?
A101: Super Searcher Tips
>>> Mary Ellen Bates - A101_Bates.pdf (324 KB)
A102: Transparency in Discovery
A103: Discovery
A104: Discovery Systems
A105: Hacking Your Discovery Layer
>>> Randy Oldham - A105_Oldham.pptx (2 MB)
Transforming Web Presence
Hack Libraries: Platforms? Playgrounds? Prototypes?
B101: Re-Imagining the Library Website Experience
>>> Chad Haefele - B101_Haefele.pdf (10 MB)
B102: Rock Your Library’s Content With WordPress
>>> Chad Haefele - B102_Haefele.pptx (16 MB)
B103: Website Redesign Ins & Outs
B104/B105: Tools & Idea Blitz: Steal for Your Website!
>>> Amy Deschenes - Dashboard How-To Docs
>>> Amy Deschenes - B104-B105_Deschenes.pdf (5 MB)
>>> Chad Mairn - B104-B105_Mairn.pptx (9 MB)
>>> Rick Bearden - B104-B105_Bearden.pptx (7 MB)
>>> Jenny Brandon - B104-B105_Brandon.pptx (6 MB)
Challenges & Issues
Hack Libraries: Platforms? Playgrounds? Prototypes?
C101: Weathering the Virtual Library
>>> Adriana Edwards-Johnson - C101_Edwards-Johnson.pdf (1 MB)
C102: Enabling Innovation
>>> Jill Hurst-Wahl - C102_Hurst-Wahl.pptx (1 MB)
C103: Moving Ideas Forward
>>> John Liebhardt - C103_Liebhardt.pdf (10 MB)
>>> James Stephens - C103_Stephens.pptx (1 MB)
C104/C105: Libraries & the Big Picture: Facts, Trends, & Next!
>>> Kathryn Zickuhr - C104-C105_Zickuhr.pdf (561 KB)
>>> Marydee Ojala - C104-C105_Ojala.ppt (2 MB)
Creative Spaces & Makerspaces
Hack Libraries: Platforms? Playgrounds? Prototypes?
D101: Make It @ Your Library
>>> Amy Killebrew - D101_Killebrew.pdf (23 MB)
D102: Makerspaces in Academic Libraries
>>> Edward Iglesias - D102_Iglesias.pptx (44 MB)
D103: Libraries as Makerspaces: Teaching Teens How to Fail
>>> Nate Stone - D103_Stone.pptx (114 KB)
>>> K-Fai Steele - D103_Steele.pptx (5 MB)
D104/D105: Makerspace Info Blitz!
>>> Molly Bitters - D104-D105_Bitters.docx (4 MB)
>>> Molly Bitters - D104-D105_Bitters.pdf (167 KB)
>>> Anastasia Diamond-Ortiz - D104-D105_Diamond-Ortiz.pptx (3 MB)
>>> CJ Lynce - D104-D105_Lynce.pptx (241 KB)
>>>Molly Bitters - D104-D105_Bitters.ppsx (577 KB)
>>> Jeroen de Boer - FryskLab Computers in Libraries
Hack Libraries: Platforms? Playgrounds? Prototypes?
E101: Minecraft in the School Library
E102: Students, iPads, and Research: A Perfect Combination
E103: Designing for Collaboration in Digital Information Environments
>>> LaDawna Harrington - E103_Harrington.pptx (3 MB)
>>> Ross Todd - E103_Todd.pptx (3 MB)
E104: Flipping Your Library
>>> Erica Thorsen - Flipping Your Library
E105: Hacking Education Trends: Adapting, Adopting, and Embracing Change
>>> Diane Cordell - E105_Cordell.pdf (32 MB)
>>> Diane Cordell - Hacking Education Trends
CT-M1: Discovery Services & Online Interfaces/Websites
CT-M2: Public Library Strategy Trends for 2014
CT-M3: Evolving Spaces: Tips & Insights
CT-M4: Three Future Oriented Tech Trends to Leverage This Year
CT-M5: Tools to Increase Privacy and Reduce Online Tracking
CT-M6: Academic Library Strategy Trends for 2014
CT-M7: Make Space, Use Space: Learning Commons
CT-M8: Ideas, Innovation & Implementation
>>> Lutgarda Barnachea - CT-M8_Barnachea.pptx (1 MB)

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Hacking the Enterprise: Creative Information Services
Hacking Strategies for Library Innovation
>>> Mary Lee Kennedy - 0845_Kennedy.pdf (5 MB)
A201: App Hacking & Packing Subs in Your Mobile
>>> Rodrigo Calloni - A201_Calloni.pdf (4 MB)
A202: Implementing an Innovation Center
>>> Stacy Bruss - A202_Bruss.pdf (8 MB)
A203/A204: Tools & Tips Info Blitz
>>> Michelle Chronister - A203-A204_Chronister.pptx (8 MB)
>>> Shari Clayman - A203-A204_Clayman.ppt (1 MB)
>>> John Liebhardt - A203-A204_Liebhardt(1).pdf (16 MB)
>>> Madison Bolls - A203-A204_Bolls.pptx (1 MB)
>>> Barbie E. Keiser - A203-A204_Keiser.pdf (5 MB)
>>> Barbie E. Keiser - A203-A204_Keiser(1).pdf (5 MB)
A205: Embracing the Innovative & Nontraditional
>>> Dorotea Szkolar - A205_Szkolar.pptx (680 KB)
User Experience (UX): User First
Hacking Strategies for Library Innovation
>>> Mary Lee Kennedy - 0845_Kennedy.pdf (5 MB)
B201: Human and Computer Interfaces: How to Maximize Usability & Findability
>>> Shari Thurow - Thurow-CIL-2014a.pptx (11 MB)
B202: Mobile Apps: Genesis, Design, & Evolution
>>> David M. Lisa - B202_Lisa.pptx (1 MB)
>>> Sonya Betz - B202_Betz.pdf (1 MB)
B203: Using the Cloud & Google Apps for Better Staff UX
B204: Usability Tips & Learnings
>>> Elizabeth Fox - B204_Fox.pptx (624 KB)
>>> Virginia Bacon - B204_Bacon.pptx (691 KB)
>>> Stanislav Bogdanov - B204_Bogdanov.pptx (9 MB)
B205: Hacking Apps With the User in Mind
>>> Michael Blake - B205_Blake.pptx (9 MB)
Rethinking our Approaches
Hacking Strategies for Library Innovation
>>> Mary Lee Kennedy - 0845_Kennedy.pdf (5 MB)
C201: Solving Common Issues With Innovative Collaboration
>>> Jason Paulios - C201_Paulios.pdf (1 MB)
C202: Stop Being Generic: On Demand & On Target
C203: Library Data Mashups
C204: What Does the Dashboard Tell Us?
>>> Amy Deschenes - Dashboard How-To Docs
>>> Amy Deschenes - C204_Deschenes.pdf (5 MB)
C205: Re-Creating Success With DigitalCommons
Transformation, Change, & People
Hacking Strategies for Library Innovation
>>> Mary Lee Kennedy - 0845_Kennedy.pdf (5 MB)
D201: Ready for Change? 8 Steps!
>>> Myles Miller - D201_Miller.pdf (4 MB)
D202: Change in Action: Strategies & Leadership
D203: People & Practices
>>> Meg H Forestell-Page - D203_Forestell-Page.pptx (39 MB)
D204: Building High-Performing Teams
>>> Ellen Druda - D204_Druda.pptx (12 MB)
D205: Good Not Perfect!
>>> Andrew Shuping - D205_Shuping.pptx (13 MB)
>>> Andrew Shuping - D205_Shuping.pdf (337 KB)
Hacking Strategies for Library Innovation
>>> Mary Lee Kennedy - 0845_Kennedy.pdf (5 MB)
E201: Top Trends in School Libraryland: Perfect Storms or Sweet Spots?
E202: Makerspaces and Intellectual Property—A Creative Practicum
>>> Timothy Steelman - E202_Steelman.pdf (2 MB)
>>> Timothy Steelman - E202_Steelman(1).pdf (18 KB)
E203: Appily Ever After: Apps and Embedding Tools in 21st-Century Libraries
>>> Mirele Kessous - E203_Kessous.ppt (3 MB)
>>> Carla Bosco - E203_Bosco.ppt (11 MB)
E204: Be Essential—Building, Maintaining, and Communicating Your Valuable Program
>>> Dawn Nelson - E204_Nelson.docx (49 KB)
>>> Dawn Nelson - E204_Nelson(1).docx (1 MB)
>>> Dawn Nelson - E204_Nelson(3).docx (333 KB)
>>> Dawn Nelson - E204_Nelson(2).docx (333 KB)
>>> Dawn Nelson - E204_Nelson(4).docx (25 KB)
>>> Dawn Nelson - E204_Nelson(5).docx (48 KB)
>>> Dawn Nelson - E204_Nelson.xlsx (21 KB)
>>> Dawn Nelson - E204_Nelson(1).xlsx (9 KB)
>>> Dawn Nelson - E204_Nelson.pdf (3 MB)
E205: Open Educational Resources and the Open Web
>>> Gary Price - Download presentation here
Tuesday Evening Session
Extreme Makeovers & Mindshifts: People & Places
CT-T1: Digital Storytelling
CT-T2: Six Technologies to Watch
>>> Dr. Frank Cervone - CT-T2_Cervone.pdf (443 KB)
CT-T3: Web Design & Usability
>>> Yu-Hui Chen - CT-T3_Chen.pptx (395 KB)
CT-T4: Online Collaboration Tools
>>> Dr. Sharon Q Yang - CT-T4_Yang.ppt (1 MB)
CT-T5: Digital Hangouts: Reaching Outside the Building

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Innovation: Library DNA
Hacking Library Spaces: Lessons From Tactical Urbanism
>>> Mike Lydon - 0845_Lydon.pptx (556 KB)
A301: Improving Search & Discovery of Digital Content
A302: Compelling Content From Your ILS & Drupal
A303: Hack the Online Classroom! Inject the Library!
>>> Alicia Virtue - A303_Virtue.pptx (5 MB)
>>> Elliott Smith - A303_Smith.pptx
A304: Hacking Library Space With Augmented Reality!
>>> Ashley Todd-Diaz - A304_Todd-Diaz.pptx (2 MB)
A305: Gamification for Community Engagement
Under the Hood
Hacking Library Spaces: Lessons From Tactical Urbanism
>>> Mike Lydon - 0845_Lydon.pptx (556 KB)
B301: Technologies: Marketplace Report
B302: Cornell’s Catalog: A Collaborative Project
>>> Jennifer Colt - B302_Colt.pptx (6 MB)
B303: Robots in the Library: Automated Storage & Retrieval Systems
>>> Lowell Walters - B303_Walters.pdf (635 KB)
>>> Lowell Walters - B303_Walters.pptx (7 MB)
B304: Rapid Fire: Wow! Your Library Created That?
>>> Lisa Raymond - B304_Raymond.pptx (8 MB)
>>> Hong Ma - B304_Ma.pptx (7 MB)
B305: Tools, Apps, & Creativity = Customized Products
>>> Randy Oldham - B305_Oldham.pptx (388 KB)
>>> Robert F Loftus - B305_Loftus.pdf (327 KB)
Digital Academy
Hacking Library Spaces: Lessons From Tactical Urbanism
>>> Mike Lydon - 0845_Lydon.pptx (556 KB)
C301: ‘Kinect’-ing Patrons to Experience Digital Collections
C302: Students & Ebooks
>>> Dr. Edward W Walton - C302_Walton.pptx (1 MB)
>>> Dr. Michael LaMagna - C302_LaMagna.pdf (780 KB)
C303: Integrating Content Into Course & Learning Management Tools
>>> Adam Traub - C303_Traub.pptx (931 KB)
C304: Research Processes
>>> Beth McGough - C304_McGough.pptx (2 MB)
C305: Rethinking & Retooling Academic Research
>>> Crystal Renfro - C305_Renfro.pptx (1 MB)
Community Impact
Hacking Library Spaces: Lessons From Tactical Urbanism
>>> Mike Lydon - 0845_Lydon.pptx (556 KB)
D301: Hackers in the Library!
>>> Gabby Resch - D301_Resch.pptx (3 MB)
D302: Library Hackathons: How, Why, & Impact!
D303: Library as Digital Publisher: First in the U.S.!
D304: Community Impact: Tactics & Recognition
D305: Engaging Communities With Crowdsourcing
>>> Bill Pardue - D305_Pardue.pdf (226 KB)
>>> Ching-hsien Wang - D305_Wang.pptx (8 MB)
Future Directions
Hacking Library Spaces: Lessons From Tactical Urbanism
>>> Mike Lydon - 0845_Lydon.pptx (556 KB)
E301: Delivering Library Services With (And For) Google Glass
>>> Jen Waller - E301_Waller.pptx (21 MB)
E302: Dealing With Data: From Research to Visualization
>>> Chris W Belter - E302_Belter.pptx (901 KB)
>>> Cheryl Ann Peltier-Davis - E302_Peltier-Davis.pptx (558 KB)
E303: Hacking the Librarian: Evolving Personal & Career Development
E304: Digital Stewardship
>>> Erin Engle - E304_Engle.pdf (732 KB)
>>> Erin Engle - E304_Engle(1).pdf (138 KB)
E305: Adding Value to Library Programs With New Tech
>>> Amanda Piekart - E305_Piekart.pptx (9 MB)
CT-W1: Keeping Up With Emerging Technologies
CT-W2: Personas 101
CT-W3: Content, Content, Everywhere

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