The Computers in Libraries 2016 exhibition will feature leading-edge companies offering vistors a choice of products in all aspects of library technology, including web-based products and services, integrated library and information systems, online services, document delivery services, internet software tools, content suppliers, search services, and more. If you are looking for a particular product, evaluating competing systems, keeping up-to-date with new products and developments, the Computers in Libraries 2016 exhibition is a must-attend. View the 2016 Floor Plan.
Exhibit Hours
Tuesday, March 8, 2016………10:45 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Networking Reception………5:15 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday, March 9, 2016………10:45 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Thursday, March 10, 2016………9:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.
Booth #308
American Psychiatric Association Publishing
Booth #514
American Psychological Association
Booth #512
Association for Computing Machinery
Booth #518
ASTM International
Booth #524
The Crowley Company

The Crowley Company offers the latest in imaging services and patron and back-office scan systems for books and all microform. Stop by to demo the UScan+ Universal Film scanner, the Zeutschel zeta book copy system and the high-production Mekel MACH5 microfilm scanner, ideal for NDNP digitization. Crowley’s capture hardware and conversion services combine with decades of library and special collection partnerships to allow our experience to become yours.
Booth #412/418
DLSG at Image Access
Gold Sponsor

The Digital Library Systems Group offers the best hybrid-library digitization products possible at prices that virtually any academic or research library can afford. More university students have access to KIC self-serve scanning systems than all other self-serve scanning systems combined. DLSG also leads in digital archival and ILL/Digital Document Delivery.
Booth #306
Drexel University Online
Booth #325
Faulkner Information Services

Faulkner is a leading provider of IT, communications, and security subscription-based information services, including the Faulkner Advisory on Computer and Communications Technologies, Security Management Practices, and the Faulkner Advisory for Information Technology Studies. IT, security, communications, business, government, academic, and library professionals use Faulkner services worldwide. Faulkner is a division of Information Today, Inc.
Booth #421
Freedom Scientific
Booth #519
IEEE Xplore Digital Library

The IEEE Xplore® Digital Library is your gateway to trusted research— journals, conferences, standards, ebooks, and educational courses—with more than 3.8 million articles to help you fuel imagination, build from previous research, and inspire new ideas. For more information, please visit innovate.ieee.org or email ieeexplore@ieee.org.
Booth #325
Information Today
Media Sponsor

Information Today (IT), a monthly news publication, keeps information professionals “in the know” about news and industry trends that shape our world. IT offers hard-hitting features that provide insight and analysis into the world of information technology, while delivering updates about the latest innovative services and products. IT tackles the news from all angles to keep our readers informed on all fronts.
Booth #303
Library Ideas, LLC
Booth #326
Library Market
Booth #428
Library of Congress - FEDLINK
Booth #317
Mango Languages
Booth #417
Media Flex - OPALS
Booth #401
mk Solutions, Inc.
Booth #313
NewsBank, inc.
Booth #409
OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc.
Booth #311
Pronunciator Language Learning
Booth #408
Recorded Books
Booth #312
S&P Capital IQ and SNL
Booth #423
SAGE Publishing
Booth #415
San Jose State University iSchool
Booth #521
Springer Nature
Booth #420
TLC - The Library Corporation
Booth #323
Transparent Language, Inc.
Booth #527
Wolters Kluwer

Wolters Kluwer provides information and services for healthcare professionals to help them make important decisions on patient care, outcomes, and medical discoveries. Clinicians rely on our market leading information-enabled tools and software solutions throughout their professional careers from training to research to practice. For medical research, Ovid® brings together in one convenient solution, the world’s premium, peer-reviewed journals, book, databases, productivity resources and tools.
Booth #301
Zimmerman Associates, Inc.