Computers in Libraries 2016 Presentations
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Welcome & Opening Keynote
Keynote: Innovation & the Knowledge Ecosystem

Dave Snowden - 0845_Snowden.pdf (3 MB)

Discovery & Search
A101: Super Searcher Tools & Tips
A102: Adventures in Advanced Search
A103: Deciphering Discovery
A104: 30 Mobile Apps for Librarians in 40 Minutes
A105: Advanced Twitter: Research Tips for Power Users

Mary Ellen Bates - A101_Bates.pptx (4 MB)

Greg Notess - A102_Notess.pptx (2 MB)

>>>Joseph Deodato - A103_Deodato.pptx (5 MB)
>>>Joseph Deodato - A103_Deodato.pdf (3 MB)

UX & Web Presence
B101: Start Doing UX Research for Little or No Cost
B102: Writing for the Web
B103: Showcasing Digital Assets
B104: UX Practices & Patterns
B105: Improving LibGuides With User Research

Amy Deschenes - B101_Deschenes.pdf (8 MB)

Chanitra Bishop - B102_Bishop.pdf (1 MB)

Kenn Bicknell - B103_Bicknell.pptx (12 MB)

Emily Marsh - B103_Marsh.pptx (122 MB)

Dr. Kris Markman - B105_Markman.pdf (3 MB)

Melanie Parlette-Stewart - B105_Parlette-Stewart.pdf (2 MB)

Tech Underpinning Operations & Systems
C101: Library Technology Industry Update
C102: Affordable, Secure, & Flexible Public Computer Ecosystem
C103: Digital Signage InfoBlitz
C104: Digital Resource Management
C105: Migrating to an Open Source ILS

Chris Woodall - C103_Woodall.pptx (10 MB)

Zhimin Chen - C103_Chen.pptx (3 MB)

Kenneth Roman - C104_Roman.pptx (6 MB)

Li Fu - C104_Fu.pptx (2 MB)

Jessie Zairo - C105_Zairo.pptx (2 MB)

Creative Communities & Makerspaces
D101: Creative Communities: 3D Printer Services at the Library
D102: Connect & Create: Artists in the Library
D103: Maker Space & Entrepreneur Incubator
D104: Holding a Successful Hack-A-Thon
D105: Building Community & Global Partnerships

Tara Radniecki - D103_Radniecki.pptx (50 MB)

Dr. Tod Colegrove - D103_Colegrove.pptx (50 MB)

Matthew Lorenzo - D104_Lorenzo.pdf (3 MB)

Dr. Tod Colegrove - D104_Colegrove.pptx (9 MB)

Matthew Lorenzo - D104_Lorenzo.docx (15 KB)

Matthew Lorenzo - D104_Lorenzo(1).docx (84 KB)

Matthew Lorenzo - CU HACKS Video

Matthew Lorenzo - D104_Lorenzo.doc (15 MB)

Ellen Druda - D105_Druda.pdf (201 KB)

Ellen Druda - D105_Druda.pptx (13 MB)

E101: Online Security, Privacy, and the Teacher-Librarian
E102: Global Connections, Technology, and School Libraries: The Out of Eden Learn Project
E103: Teaching Screenagers in the Land of Click, Slide, and Touchscreen
E104: Tech ALIVE: Embedded Professional Development in Education Technology
E105: How Students Experience Search Results

Mary Catherine Coleman - Global Connections, Technology & School Libraries: The Out of Eden Learn Project

Joquetta Johnson - LiveBinder of resources for presentation

CT-T1: Managing Content: Citation Tools
CT-T2: Learned From Our First Drupal 8 Site
CT-T3: Dashboard & Mining Operational Library Data
CT-T4: Contracts, RFPs & Working With Suppliers
CT-T5: Open Web Searching Tips
CT-T6: Negotiating Successfully With Vendors
CT-T7: Open Library Ebooks
CT-T8: Crowdsourced Metadata
CT-T9: Adapting to Changes in Content Accessibility

Greg Notess - CT-T1_Notess.pptx (894 KB)

David Lee King - Download presentation here

Robert Berkman - CT-T5_Berkman.ppt (3 MB)

Faye Kramer - CT-T9_Kramer.pptx (7 MB)

Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Keynote Panel
Keynote Panel: Executive Perspectives of the Library Tech Industry

Library Labs & Research
A201: Using Research for Strategic Priorities & Innovation
A202: Personal Archiving & DCPL’s Memory Lab
A203: Millennials in Library: Research Insights & Case Study
A204: Publishing Labs in ARL Academic Libraries
A205: Big Data Meets Algorithmic Accountability: Understanding the New Activism

Dr. Lynn Silipigni Connaway - A201_Connaway.pptx (30 MB)

Robin Kear - A201_Kear.pptx (3 MB)

Donald T Hawkins - A202_Hawkins.pptx (3 MB)

Jaime Mears - A202_Mears.pptx (14 MB)

Michelle D'Couto - A203_DCouto.pdf (5 MB)

Terence Huwe - A205_Huwe.ppt (6 MB)

User Experience (UX)
B201: Electronic Resources UX & Accessibility
B202: Web-Scale Discovery With User Testing
B203: Evaluating Website Navigation With Usability Tests
B204: Leveling Up Library Web Presence
B205: UX Practices & Strategies

Ranti Junus - Junus-CIL2016-ElectronicResourcesUXAccessibility.pptx

Joseph Deodato - B202_Deodato.pdf (2 MB)

Joseph Deodato - B202_Deodato.pptx (12 MB)

Sarah Hoskins - B203_Hoskins.pptx (4 MB)

David Lee King - Download presentation here

Evolving Enterprises
C201: Engineers & KM
C202: Evolution in Training Services
C203: 21st-Century Library: Building on Customer Relationships
C204: Global Outreach
C205: Creating Tools for the Scientific Community

David E McBee - C201_McBee.pptx (6 MB)

Mariana Long - C202_Long.pptx (5 MB)

Stacy Bruss - C203_Bruss.pdf (6 MB)

Stacy Bruss - (123 MB)

Anita Feidler - C204_Feidler(1).pdf (949 KB)

Cindy Sheffield - C205_Sheffield.pptx (5 MB)

Creative Communities & Makerspaces
D201: Transformation & Community Engagement
D202: From Zero to Makerspace
D203: Making & Innovating: Year One at Two Universities
D204: Collaborating to Create a Community of Coders
D205: Coding is Where It’s At!

Sue Considine - D201_Considine.pptx (13 MB)

Angel Truesdale - D202_Truesdale.pdf (306 KB)

Angel Truesdale - D202_Truesdale(1).pdf (2 MB)

Jenny Wong-Welch - D203_Wong-Welch(1).pptx (16 MB)

Brandy McNeil - D205_McNeil.pdf (6 MB)

E201: Student Research Done Right: BCPS Online Research Models
E202: How Digital Portfolios Transform Library/Fab Lab Learning
E203: Controlling the Chaos: Using Technology to Become and Stay Organized
E204: If You Must Google, Then Google Well!—Website Evaluation for H.S. and College Researchers
E205: Multimedia Learning Stations: Connecting Learners to the World of Information

Amanda Lanza - Student Research Done Right!

Jenny Howland - Resources

>>>Jenny Howland - (58 MB)
Jenny Howland - From Googly Eyes to Google

Dawn Nelson - Controlling the Chaos: Using Technology to Become and Stay Organized

Cara Berg - E204_Berg.pptx (2 MB)

CT-W1: Turn Your Web Traffic Into Foot Traffic
CT-W2: From Dewey to Hackers to Entrepreneurs
CT-W3: Introducing 3D Printing
CT-W4: Incremental Experimentation = Runaway Success
CT-W5: Collaborative Learning With a MOOC
CT-W6: Students & Startups: Learning Partnerships
CT-W7: iPad Apps
CT-W8: Building a Social Media Dashboard
CT-W9: Digital Literacy for Staff & Customers

Trey Gordner - CT-W1_Gordner.pdf (90 KB)

Terence O'Neill - CT-W2_ONeill.pptx (495 KB)

Dominique Pierce - CT-W3_Pierce.pptx (19 MB)

Rebecca Hyman - CT-W5_Hyman(1).pdf (7 MB)

Teresa Maceira - Download presentation here

Angel Truesdale - CT-W9_Truesdale.pdf (1 MB)

Evening Session
Evening Session: The Internet of Things & Libraries

Lee Rainie - 1930_Rainie.pptx (6 MB)

Thursday, March 10, 2016
Keynote: Libraries & Perpetual Learning

Lee Rainie - 0845_Rainie.pptx (3 MB)

Innovation & Innovative Practices
A301: Beacons for Libraries
A302: Enabling Innovation
A303: Library as Podcaster/ Digital Media Studio/Makerspace
A304: New Audiences & Services for Science Libraries
A305: Engaging Communities

>>>Richard Loomis - A301_Loomis.pptx (12 MB)
Ellen Druda - A301_Druda.pptx (12 MB)

Jill Hurst-Wahl - A302_Hurst-Wahl.pdf (342 KB)

Amy Luedtke - A305_Luedtke.pptx (8 MB)

Building Digital Collections
B301: The Value of Value in a Near Distant Future
B302: Not Your Usual Selfie—Or Content!
B303: Beyond Textbooks: Open Education Resources
B304: Building Collaborative Collections
B305: Thinking Inside the Box to Build a Better Box: NCpedia

Curt Tagtmeier - B302_Tagtmeier.pptx (2 MB)

Julia Tryon - B302_Tryon.pptx (139 MB)

Amedeo DeCara - Prezi Link

Lindley Homol - B303_Homol.pptx (1 MB)

Darlene Fichter - B304_Fichter.pptx (701 KB)

Kelly Agan - B305_Agan.pptx (27 MB)

Kelly Agan - B305_Agan.pdf (3 MB)

C301: Raspberry Pi Four Ways: Small Computers in the Library - CANCELED
C301: Justifying Your Budget: Tools & Tactics (moved from C305)
C302: Research Genius: iOS App by Library & Faculty
C303: Kid-Sized Software Development Teams
C304: Big Data Exploration for Libraries
C305: Journalism Tools for Library Engagement

Ben Rawlins - C302_Rawlins.pptx (3 MB)

Angela Strong - C303_Strong.pptx (64 MB)

Kenn Bicknell - C305_Bicknell.pptx (15 MB)

Practical Social Media Strategies
D301: Successful Social Strategy
D302: Tumblr, or Snapchat? Instagram?
D303: Who Are You Online?
D304: Targeted Social Media Strategies
D305: Social Life of Social Media Policies

Phillip Higgins - D301_Higgins.pptx (39 MB)

Katie Elson Anderson - D302_Anderson.pptx (32 MB)

Lennea R. Bower - D303_Bower.pdf (897 KB)

Lennea R. Bower - D304_Bower.docx (43 KB)

Alexandra Radocchia Zealand - D304_Zealand.pdf (3 MB)

Dr. Lorri M. Mon - D305_Mon.pdf (5 MB)

Management & Metrics
E301: Repositioning Librarians for Success
E302: Service Innovation & Change
E303: Library Collection Analysis System
E304: Embracing Training Failures & Learning From Them
E305: Better Data to Create Better Libraries

Bruce Rosenstein - E301_Rosenstein.pptx (3 MB)

Rebecca Jones - E302_Jones.pdf (25 MB)

Rose Nelson - E303_Nelson.pptx (3 MB)

Jill Hurst-Wahl - E304_Hurst-Wahl.pdf (577 KB)

Emily Plagman - E305_Plagman.pptx (19 MB)

CT-R1: Fostering Collaboration in Research
CT-R2: A Year of Badges and Programs: Donny at the Library
CT-R3: Branching Out: Libraries Growing STEMs
CT-R4: Digital Comics & Maker Labs

Michele Farrell - CT-R3_Farrell.pptx (2 MB)