March 8-10 Hyatt Regency Crystal City
Arlington, VA
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Tuesday, March 8, 2016

C102: Affordable, Secure, & Flexible Public Computer Ecosystem

11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Alex Lent, Director, Mills Public Library

Public libraries provide computers for public use that are affordable, easy for patrons to use and staff to maintain, and able to protect patron information while still providing use statistics for reporting purposes. With an increasing number of patrons bringing in their own devices or needing a work surface to use without a computer, work surfaces are at a premium. To address all of these issues, the Millis Public Library recently purchased and configured entry-level laptops running Ubuntu for use in the library. These machines are affordable, easy to use, easy to configure to protect patron information and provide usage statistics, and flexible—they can be used anywhere in the building, allowing the library to make the best possible use of its limited space. Get an overview of the benefits of this program and a guide for trying Ubuntu at your own library.

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