March 8-10 Hyatt Regency Crystal City
Arlington, VA
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Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Keynote: Innovation & the Knowledge Ecosystem

8:45 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.
Dave Snowden, Founder & Chief Scientist, The Cynefin Company

There are three necessary preconditions to innovation: starvation (or scarcity, perhaps need—a shortage of resources where usually there is abundance), pressure (or urgency—an immediate and relentless demand for resolution of the scarcity—a changing world), and perspective shift (new ways of thinking about the problem). We know that libraries are a part of the knowledge ecosystem but how can they be more innovative so they are recognized as having an impact on that knowledge ecosystem? How can they help others innovate more? And how can libraries gain new perspectives and types of thinking? Our popular speaker will challenge your thinking and supply some interesting insights.

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