March 8-10 Hyatt Regency Crystal City
Arlington, VA
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Monday, March 7, 2016

W14: Hacking Discovery for Better UX

1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Athena Hoeppner, Discovery Services Librarian, Libraries, University of Central Florida Libraries
Eric Frierson, Team Lead, Discovery Services Engineering, EBSCO Information Services
Edward Corrado, Associate Dean for Library Technology Planning & Policy, University of Alabama Libraries

Discovery systems offer the current best hope of a single search across disparate library sources and seamless delivery of content. They must smoothly interact with the library and organizational websites, OPACs, patron accounts, OpenURL resolvers, and learning management systems and at the same time work well on a slew of devices, browsers, and operating systems. This workshop examines user experience across all of these systems, considering where libraries may fall short of creating a quality discovery UX. It delves into tools and hacks to improve discovery UX, highlights real-world implementations, discusses partnerships for UX success, looks at how back-end system options affect UX, shares options for CSS and hacks in discovery systems, and more. This complements the morning workshop, UX in Discovery, which focuses on UX techniques and applying them to the discovery ecosystem.

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