Computers in Libraries 2017 Presentations
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Welcome & Opening Keynote
Upping Our Game: Becoming Library Journal Library of the Year

Gina J Millsap - 0845_Millsap.pptx (140 MB)

Discovery & Search
A101: Super Searcher Strategies
A102: Apps, Sites, & Tools
A103: Students & Faculty Research Differently
A104: Resource Management & Discovery Products & Vendors
A105: Taking Search to New Heights

Mary Ellen Bates - A101_Bates.pdf (1 MB)

Deirdre Costello - A103_Costello.pdf (15 MB)

Marshall Breeding - A104_Breeding.pptx (2 MB)

Marshall Breeding - A104_Breeding(1).pptx (2 MB)

Marydee Ojala - A105_Ojala.pptx (4 MB)

UX & Digital Presence
B101: UX Toolbox: Customer Journey Mapping
B102: UX Research Leads to Richer Library Websites
B103: Website Redesign: Techniques & Tools
B104: Maximizing New Tools
B105: Active Tutorials With “Guide on the Side”

Stephanie Rosso - UX Research Leads to Richer Library Websites

Roy Degler - Web Redesign CIL 2017 (Degler)

Emily R Mitchell - B103_Mitchell.pptx (940 KB)

Dana Haugh - Website Redesign: Techniques & Tools

Sarah Arnold - B104_Arnold.pptx (6 MB)

Katie Bertel - Active Tutorials with "Guide on the Side"

Community Engagement
C101: Dallas Teens in Action
C102: Digital Literacy & Coding Program Models
C103: Online Community Building: Create, Connect, Collaborate
C104: Attracting New Library Users: With SEO
C105: Community Relationships With Collaborative Apps

Karen Walker - C102_Walker.pptx (8 MB)

Melissa Stockton - C105_Stockton.pptx (4 MB)

Melissa Stockton - C105_Stockton.pdf (6 MB)

Learning from Leaders
D101: Upping Our Game With Customer Experience
D102: Partnering With Clients for Info Discovery
D103: Dealing With Continuous Change
D104: Innovation & Empowering Staff
D105: Directors Speak Out!

Heather Mathis - D101_Mathis.pdf (2 MB)

James King - D102_King.pdf (1 MB)

Gina J Millsap - D104_Millsap.pptx (9 MB)

E101: Evolving With Evidence, Reinvigorating Your Practice of Librarianship
E102: Think Inside the Box: Smithsonian Libraries in the Classroom
E103: Tracking Technology in the Midst of Busy Schedules
E104: From Textbook to Activism: Engaging Students in Social Issues They Care About
E105: Good News! Three Secondary Librarians Discuss Libraries as Sources of Inspiration

Dawn Nelson - Tracking Technology in the Midst of Busy Schedules

Dr. Janie Pickett - E104_Pickett.pdf (553 KB)

Dr. Janie Pickett - E104_Pickett(2).pdf (425 KB)

Dr. Janie Pickett - E104_Pickett(1).pdf (302 KB)

Library Leaders Summit: Future-Proofing Libraries: Strategies & Practices
Welcome & Introductions
The Future: Key Issues, Trends, & Actions
Practitioners Panel: Strategies & Practices
Industry Insights & Lunch with Summit Colleagues
Collections: A Key Asset
Coffee with Summit Colleagues
Human Resources

Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Upping Our Game

Analyzing Collections
A201: Analyzing Collections
A202: LC Linked Authority Data
A203: Copyright & Licensing
Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall
A204/205: Open: Framework, Resources, & Practices

Diana Plunkett - A201_Plunkett.pptx (5 MB)

Lutgarda Barnachea - A201_Barnachea.pdf (2 MB)

Qi Tong - A202_Tong.pptx (3 MB)

Stephen Marvin - A203_Marvin.pptx (1008 KB)

Mike Gruenberg - A203_Gruenberg.pptx (2 MB)

Robert F Loftus - A204-205_Loftus.pdf (487 KB)

Management & Metrics
B201: Enabling Libraries to Use Their Smarts! [CANCELLED]
B202: Managing Tech & Innovation
B203: Finding Your Social Media Voice
Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall
B204: Changing Models/Roles: Competencies & PD
B205: Mining Chat & Learning New Skills for Management

Brett Williams - Wardley Value Chain Mapping

Brett Williams - B202_Williams.pptx (387 KB)

Jen Baum Sevec - B202_Baum_Sevec.pptx (7 MB)

Meghan Kowalski - B203_Kowalski.pptx (16 MB)

Meghan Kowalski - B203_Kowalski.pdf (4 MB)

Heather Mathis - B204_Mathis.pdf (3 MB)

John Kimbrough - B205_Kimbrough.pptx (697 KB)

Nancy Howe - B205_Howe.pptx (832 KB)

Enterprises: Tools, Tech, & Special Collections
C201: Pokémon GO Changed Our Library!
C202: KM Toolkit
C203: ILS Migration & Developing With Drupal
Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall
C204/205: Rev Your Engines: Digitization & Social Media of Specialized Collections

Amanda Costigan - C201_Costigan.docx (15 KB)

Rachel Seissler - C201_Seissler.pptx (31 MB)

Valeria Hunter - C202_Hunter.pptx (6 MB)

Elizabeth Zoby - C203_Zoby.pptx (1 MB)

June Yang - C203_Yang.PPTX (681 KB)

Victoria Orzechowski - C204-205_Orzechowski.pptx (8 MB)

Mark Vargas - C204-205_Vargas.pptx (30 MB)

Funding Strategies & Practices for Libraries
D201: Finding Funds for Libraries: Visualizing
D202: Funding Opps for Digital Library Initiatives
D203: Growing Philanthropic Dollars for Libraries
Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall
D204: Crowdfunding Tips & Tools
D205: Crowdfunding a Library Makerspace

Kate Tkacik - Download presentation here

Kate Tkacik - D201_Tkacik.pptx (13 MB)

Kathryn Dilworth - D203_Dilworth.pdf (485 KB)

Ralph Bingham - D205_Bingham.pdf (4 MB)

E201: Game Design as a Catalyst for Learning
E202: Getting Your Hands on History: How Teachers & Students Are Unlocking Records of the National Archives
E203: The Social Studies & Library Digital Curriculum Project
Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall
E204: Collective Intelligence: Crowd-Sourcing, Annotated Bibliographies, & the Internet
E205: The Role of the Library in Fostering Research Skills

Stony Evans - E201_Evans.pptx (56 MB)

Tracey Wong - E201_Wong.pptx (49 MB)

Meredith Doviak - E202_Doviak.pptx (25 MB)

Emily Strong - E203_Strong.pdf (2 MB)

Robert Nelson - Collective Intelligence

Margaux DelGuidice-Calemmo - Beyone Web 2.0: The Mandated Research Process at Garden City High School

CT1: Cybersecurity & White Hat Hacking - RESCHEDULED to 3:30pm
CT2: Library Stories for Impact
CT3: Fake News 101
CT4: Innovation in Federal Libraries
CT5: Linux for Libraries
CT6: Helping the Underserved: Picture Yourself Online!
CT7: Calling Out Fake News

Tracy Z Maleeff - CT1_Maleeff.pptx (4 MB)

Robert Berkman - CT3_Berkman.ppt (1 MB)

Arieh Ress - CT6_Ress.pptx (14 MB)

Amy Affelt - CT7_Affelt.pptx (2 MB)

Library Leaders Summit
Coffee with Summit Colleagues
Technology & the Future
Prickly Topics
Lunch & Communications Roundtable
Change Management
Coffee with Summit Colleagues
Distinctive Positioning for the Future

Wednesday Evening Session
ReImagining Libraries: Open Ecosystems

Erik Boekesteijn - 1930_Boekesteijn.pptx (219 MB)

Thursday, March 30, 2017
Where Technology Fits With Library Customers’ Needs

Learning & Video for Libraries
A301: Augmented Reality & Learning
A302: Learning Management Systems & Librarians
A303: Rocking the Small Screen: Video & Libraries
A304: Multimodal Learning: From Textbooks to Playlists
A305: Students & Credibility of Digital Resources

Earl Givens - A301: Augmented Reality & Learning

Matthew Stevons - A302_Stevons.pdf (3 MB)

Ceora Brown - A302_Brown(1).pptx (11 MB)

Ustadza Ely - A303_Ely(1).pptx (14 MB)

David Lee King - Download presentation here

Amy Buhler - A305_Buhler.pdf (10 MB)

Tech Tools
B301: Library Services Platforms: State of the Art
B302: 25 Top PR/Marketing Tools in 40 Minutes
B303: 30 for 3D: Services, Programs, Tips
B304: Raspberry Pi
B305: AI, Robots, & Biometric Systems

Jennifer E. Burke - B302_Burke.pdf (231 KB)

Jennifer E. Burke - B302_Burke.pptx (37 MB)

Nick Tanzi - B303_Tanzi.pptx (15 MB)

David Bennett - B304_Bennett.pptx (2 MB)

>>>David Bennett - B304_Bennett.jpg (1 MB)

Qaddafi Sabree - B305_Sabree.pptx (274 MB)

Ernie Dixon - B305_Dixon.pptx (69 MB)

Innovation & Transformation
C301: Do Space: Tech for Everyone
C302: Build, Measure, Learn: Innovation on a Budget
C303: Tech in the Street & Fostering a Film Community
C304: Innovation Report & Academic Library Partnership
C305: Innovation on a Shoestring

Rebecca Stavick - C301_Stavick.pptx (18 MB)

Ayyoub Ajmi - Ayyoub Ajmi - Build, Measure, Learn: Innovation on Budget

Trina Richbourg - C303_Richbourg.pptx (25 MB)

Wesley Johnson - C303_Johnson.pptx (12 MB)

John Bracken - C304_Bracken.pptx (12 MB)

Katie Maier-O'Shea - C304_Maier-OShea.pptx (4 MB)

Donna Bachowski - C305_Bachowski.pptx (2 MB)

>>>Dominique China - C305_China.pptx (888 KB)
Upping Our Marketing Game
D301: Marketing Plans for Success!
D302: Upping Our “Gamification”: Speaking Millennials’ Language
D303: Library Story in Video
D304: Employing Big Data to Understand & Reach Users
D305: Target Services for Better Customer Connections

Linda Hazzan - D301_Hazzan.pptx (9 MB)

David Folmar - D302_Folmar.pptx (8 MB)

Jennifer E. Burke - D303_Burke.pdf (351 KB)

Jennifer E. Burke - D303_Burke(1).pdf (129 KB)

Jennifer E. Burke - D303_Burke.pptx (36 MB)

Marc Futterman - D304_Futterman.pdf (2 MB)

Danielle Milam - D304_Milam.pdf (2 MB)

Makerspaces: Development & Practices
E301: Transformation & Community Engagement
E302: Zero to Maker: Invention Literacy & Mobile Memory Lab
E303/E304: Sparking Innovation & Entrepreneurship With Makerspaces
E305: From Consumers to Creators: Connected Learning

Dr. Tod Colegrove - E301_Colegrove.pptx (58 MB)

Sussan Navabi - E302_Navabi.pptx (30 MB)

Sussan Navabi - E302_Navabi.pdf (154 KB)

Sussan Navabi - E302_Navabi(1).pptx (6 MB)

>>>Erin Walker - E302_Walker.pptx (10 MB)

Andrea Paganelli - Innovative Makerspaces with STEAM

Faith Burns - E305_Burns.pptx (4 MB)

Bryan Angelico - E305_Angelico.pptx (4 MB)

CT8: Turn Your Web Traffic into Foot Traffic
CT9: Integrating Web Based Technologies
CT10: Negotiating Successfully with Vendors
CT11: Tools for Library Newsletters

Mike Gruenberg - CT-T3_Gruenberg.pptx (3 MB)