Digital Humanities Support Specialist
Arts and Special Collections
University of Ottawa Library
In her 37 years at the University of Ottawa, Roxanne Lafleur has witnessed firsthand the shift from analog to digital, notably in her role in the management of 35 mm slide and digital image collections. She was an active member of the Artstor Institutional Advisory Group that contributed to the creation of Shared Shelf, now known as JSTOR Forum. As the Library's Digital Humanities Support Specialist, Roxanne continues to manage all JSTOR Forum projects, provides guidance, assistance, training in a variety of digital tools, including Omeka, and collaborates in several researcher- and student-led digital curation projects, most often for public access. She is instrumental in the revitalization of BIODIDAC (setting up the JSTOR Forum and Omeka projects; massaging and mapping metadata; creating vocabulary lists, items and procedures; providing training, supervising the work). Roxanne is also a visual artist and brings her extensive creative experience to digital projects.