Join us on Monday, March 24 before the main conference begins for our preconference workshop series that provides immersive training for librarians and information professionals. Choose among our full-day Searchers Academy workshop, or up to two half-day, in-depth workshops offering training from expert instructors that you can't get anywhere else. Workshops are part of the Gold Pass or may also be registered for separately at $299 each when you register by the early-bird deadline.
Monday, March 24: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
With AI, misinformation, and new software tools at the top of our minds, we are being called upon to reset our assumptions on search techniques and approaches … to evolve and adapt. From Google's frequent algorithm changes to the replacement of search results with an AI-generated “answer,” as well as new expectations from clients and patrons, information professionals need to re-examine all their search practices. Info pros have a unique skill set that gives us the ability to own the search space. But equally important is the ability to challenge our assumptions about search and to adapt and evolve our search skills to address today’s infoscape.
This practical, full-day workshop provides the latest tips, tricks, and techniques for unlocking the “black box” of search. Our search experts reveal what you need to know today to perform better and more effective searches, analyze search results to surface value, teach others good search practices, and remain on top of search innovations.
There's always something new to be learned from these leading-edge info pros. Whether you're a novice or expert searcher, you come away with a new understanding of innovations in search, new resources to share with colleagues, and more search tools for your professional toolkit.
Our experts cover these topics:
• What's New in Web Search: Learn about new developments in search engines and search bots that affect how, why, and where to search to get the best results.
• Savvy Search Strategies: Strategize your research to accommodate new technologies and techniques for increasing sense-making.
• Resourcefully Yours: So many resources, so little time! We introduce a number of new, different, and changed resources to turbocharge your research.
• Talking to Your Chatbot: Effective search prompts can ensure that you are using a generative AI tool before and after your “real” search to gain insights and save time.
• A New SWOT for Search Professionals in 2025: Take a fresh look at where search professionals can make the biggest impact to most effectively leverage your expertise.
Marydee Ojala, Editor, Online Searcher in Computers in Libraries magazine and & Editor, ILI365 eNews
Mary Ellen Bates, Principal, Bates Information Services, Inc.
Gary Price, Co-Founder & Editor, infoDOCKET & FullTextReports
Arthur Weiss, Managing Director, AWARE
Monday, March 24: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
This half-day workshop guides participants through the strategies related to retaining or replacing their core resource management systems and discovery services. Migrating to a new system represents a massive undertaking for a library as well as a substantial financial investment. Breeding discusses current issues and trends related to products and vendors, aligning the library's technology systems with strategic priorities and setting reasonable expectations for the benefits of a new system and the efforts involved in migration. There will be plenty of interactive time for workshop attendees to discuss scenarios and topics with Breeding, tapping into his research, expertise, experience, and insights.
Marshall Breeding, Independent Consultant, Library Technology Guides, USA and Author
Monday, March 24: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
This workshop features five tools to change your team’s dynamics. Everyone wants to be a part of a great team that accomplishes its goals with collegiality and, yes, fun. Great teams don’t just happen. Great teams use tools and approaches that align their work toward the same goals, clarify how decisions are made, and establish ways to have important conversations that maximize productivity and communication while minimizing malice and conflict. Spend time learning about RASCI, PROPER for meetings that work, Wise Counsel, After-Action Review, and Change Integration Matrix. Get worksheets and experience using the tools with our library leaders who have used these tools for years to great success!
MJ D'Elia, CEO, Thirdway Think and Director, LLEAD Institute
Rebecca Jones, Director, LLEAD Institute
Monday, March 24: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
In this workshop, attendees learn the basics to start your analytics journey. Using a free analytics platform, the workshop provides hands-on exercises exploring the fundamentals of analytics in information organizations and how to properly prepare and clean data for analysis. Once attendees are familiar with the basics, it delves into the world of visualization to demonstrate findings and discoveries to make more effective cases for our advocacy efforts. Finally, we dabble in some machine learning techniques as a means for obtaining deeper understanding into patterns and trends that lie within the data we collect. Attendees need to provide their own laptop and engage in a bit of prework to prepare their machine for the workshop.
Frank Cervone, Program Coordinator, Information Science and Data Analytics, San Jose State University
Monday, March 24: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Get customer service insights, practical advice, and useful tools to create positive customer interactions and defuse potentially challenging customer situations. Learn effective strategies and tips for creating positive experiences with customers, coworkers, and constituents. Our longtime practitioner, coach, and educator leads this workshop full of practical solutions and real-world library successes that will help you balance supporting your staff while serving your customers.
Maurice D. Coleman, Principal, Coleman & Associates and Host, SJSU iSchool's Information Gone Wild & T Is for Training
Monday, March 24: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
We all know libraries can make an incredible dent in community problems such as affordable housing or food access, and technology can make a world of difference. How do we turn our helpful efforts from a disjointed scattershot of community conversations, book displays, guest speakers, or makerspace activities into those that truly have a community impact? Sweet shares her ecosystem maps and tech resources to see what it takes to fully address complex community problems using tech and to build more comprehensive services to embed the library as part of the solution. Bring your community issues and challenges and get new insights and strategies for making a bigger impact.
Amanda Sweet, Technology Innovation Librarian, Nebraska Library Commission
Monday, March 24: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
What is prompt engineering? How can it assist libraries? Explore and play with a variety of GenAI tools and prompting techniques. Identify components that can be used to create and refine prompts for maximum effectiveness. Recognize when responses are suboptimal and how to troubleshoot them. Understand the ethical issues and limitations of GenAI and learn to use it as a tool for various use cases. From productivity hacks to data analysis and beyond, make GenAI your new collaborator.
Important note: A laptop and ChatGPT account is required to fully participate in this workshop. Attendees must provide their own laptop. If you don't have a ChatGPT account you can create a free one at
Yitzhak Paul, Unit Head, Emerging Technologies & Experiential Learning, Boise State University
Ellie Dworak, Research Data Librarian, Albertsons Library, Boise State University
Monday, March 24: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
AI is an emerging technology in the education system. In the future, AI may be taught as a subject in the classroom, possibly starting in junior high school. This train-the-trainer workshop, designed for librarians who program events for tweens and teens, is based on a STEM summer program, She Creates (Women’s Technology Empowerment Center, Lagos, Nigeria). Learn how to create intuitive visual presentations and incorporate critical thinking skills about AI into practical exercises designed to engage youth. See the results from previous sessions where teens tackled practical problems in their city using AI to get ideas for your next “Learn AI” program!
Naheed Vadsaria, Independent Consultant
Monday, March 24: 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Supporting our communities and aligning with the regional, enterprise, or academic campus priorities and challenges can make a big impact and bring in new engagement possibilities. Explore strategies and community actions that have indeed made a big splash! See highlights from real community actions, learn from their successes and mistakes, and get ideas and insights to apply in your community.
Monday, March 24: 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
It can be difficult to separate AI hype from reality. Our experienced speaker discusses what it means for libraries, how artificial intelligence is impacting our organizations and communities, what changes lie ahead, and what we can do to prepare. He discusses policy development, staff training, and public programming, as we prepare our organizations for change in this practical session. Libraries have lots of opportunities for AI implementation, so understanding the possibilities, what other libraries and organizations are doing, and planning ahead will help to be AI-ready.
Nick Tanzi, Assistant Director, South Huntington Public Library and Author, Best Technologies for Public Libraries
Monday, March 24: 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
With AI and taxonomies everywhere nowadays what does that mean for the basic cataloging and contributions to collaborative systems? How might future cataloging systems work? What if searching our library platforms was more like Google or OpenAI Search? How would we make that happen? What are the options? Our expert speaker covers the basics of the taxonomy/thesaurus creation, sharing case studies implementing thesaurus terms (post-coordinate indexing) instead of subject headings (pre-coordinate headings) to support the local search of the libraries resources. Discovery and learning are changing, and our collection access needs enhancing too! Get some new insights and ideas about library cataloguing in your library.
Marjorie Hlava, Founder & Chief Scientist, Access Innovations and Data Harmony
Monday, March 24: 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
This knowledge management (KM) workshop is designed for librarians who want to take a more active role in KM projects within their organizations and libraries. It looks at the range of KM projects being undertaken in all types of organizations, discusses making the business case for KM projects with a defined scope and understanding of the driving forces, delves into KM processes and techniques, looks at connecting and engaging communities in KM projects, and more. This workshop features collaborative and group work, practical exercises, and an extensive resource list for further reading and relevant case studies.
Barbie E. Keiser, President, Barbie E. Keiser, Inc.
Monday, March 24: 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Scenario planning builds stories about the future that can be used to inform strategy, set direction, drive innovation, or create thought leadership. The process involves understanding the uncertainties related to a focal question, such as, “What will libraries look like in 2030?” The process then explores a range of ways that question might play out under different social, technological, economic, environmental, and political circumstances. The documentation of those stories becomes the scenario narratives, the possibilities. Join our experienced futurist who has studied and worked with libraries for many years as he shares tips, techniques, and more for planning a vibrant and successful future for your library.
Daniel W. Rasmus, Founder & Principal Analyst, Serious Insights and Author
Monday, March 24: 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Protecting privacy and security while leveraging technology to accomplish positive change is becoming a serious challenge for individuals, communities, and businesses. This workshop, led by expert leaders and practitioners, covers personal and organizational privacy as well as top security issues for libraries and their communities, especially the implications of AI. If you don’t have a security plan in place, are unsure of where to even start to make sure your library is secure, or have an existing plan in place but want to cross your t’s and dot your i’s, come to this interactive workshop.
Frank Cervone, Program Coordinator, Information Science and Data Analytics, San Jose State University
Gary Price, Co-Founder & Editor, infoDOCKET & FullTextReports
Brian Pichman, Director, Strategic Innovation, Evolve Project
Monday, March 24: 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Everyone has a favorite story about a failed project, a disappointing outcome, or a catastrophic miscalculation, but are we willing to discuss them? We rarely go public with our misadventures. Yet, these setbacks provide us with invaluable opportunities to reflect on our actions, examine critical errors, and adapt our strategies moving forward. This interactive workshop invites participants to explore how engaging with our misadventures can lead to transformative practices within our organizations. Drawing inspiration from the archetypes of failure outlined by the Institute of Brilliant Failures, our speakers demonstrate how to anticipate failure and implement preventative strategies. Participants are encouraged to bring their own projects—successes, or failures—to enrich the discussion and help us learn from one another. Join our light-hearted conversation as we discover how to transform our misadventures into meaningful lessons. Make friends with failure and pave your path to greater insight, resilience, and personal growth.
MJ D'Elia, CEO, Thirdway Think and Director, LLEAD Institute
Rebecca Jones, Director, LLEAD Institute
Eric Kokke, Director, GO | School for Information
Cheryl Peltier-Davis, Adjunct Teacher, GO | School for Information