Library Leaders Summit

Strategic Thinking: Action in an Uncertain & Challenging World

Amid complex technology and workplace challenges, library leaders are responsible for guiding their organizations to a successful and sustainable future. Yet the environment en route to the future is still emerging, shifting, and uncertain. When do those leaders have time to carefully consider what’s emerging and the library’s multifaceted issues and opportunities? The answer: March 28–29, 2023 at The Library Leaders Summit.

This Summit is specifically designed for senior leadership to discern and discuss strategy and tactics with industry leaders and colleagues. Blending presentations, expert panels and facilitated conversations with practiced thought-leaders and roundtable discussions, the Summit invites library leaders to stretch their thinking, generate insights, and draft practical actions. If you are a library senior manager, director, CEO, dean, or CIO in an academic, public, government, corporate, or nonprofit environment, join the Summit to problem-solve, discuss, reflect, refresh, and network with colleagues.

The two-day intimate Library Leaders Summit includes access to the shared Computers in Libraries keynotes with an exclusive debrief for Summit attendees only, conference sessions, lunches, and morning and afternoon coffee on March 28–29, 2023. As an added bonus, attendees also get access to all three days of the Computers in Libraries conference and exhibition (March 28–30)

The Summit is facilitated by Rebecca Jones, Director of LLEAD Institute, & Partner Emeritus, Dysart & Jones Associates.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Interested in sponsoring the Library Leaders Summit? See our Invitation to Sponsor for details and how to book! Or, contact Lauri Weiss-Rimler, Sponsorship Sales at or 908-219-0088.


Tuesday, Mar 28

Track LLS: Library Leaders Summit

Rebecca Jones, Director, LLEAD Institute

This interactive and intimate summit is designed to be actionable and instructive while underpinned with reflection and discussion. Separate registration is required to attend the Summit.

Located in Potomac 1/2, Ballroom Level

AI Parade: Human-Centric, All Inclusive, Artificial Intelligence

08:45 AM2023-03-282023-03-28

Tuesday, March 28: 8:45 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.

AI is increasingly being used by governments and organizations to make important decisions that have a major impact on our lives. In 10 years, most of those decisions will be made by artificial intelligence (AI). That requires a good understanding of what AI can do, how its algorithms are created, and what the consequences are. It also requires input from people themselves. In the Netherlands, it was decided not to develop AI for people but by and with them, or what is better known as human-centric AI, in which the well-being of people is central, not that of organizations or government; everyone should be involved. In the Netherlands, AI stands for “all inclusive” in line with UNICEF's Sustainable Development Goals. In order to enter into a conversation about AI with the entire population, the most accessible institution, the public library, was chosen. For more than a year, a large part of the population will be involved in a national debate on AI, the AI PARADE. This parade consists of a traveling circus that explains about the good and bad of AI through discussions, exhibitions, workshops, and a national AI course. This will be inspiring and challenging. The findings will be used by the government and organizations to develop a human AI policy for the Netherlands. Hear more about this journey from our popular digital pioneer, who has created the “best library in the Netherlands,” arranged many reading campaigns, and champions data collection.

Eppo van Nispen, Founder, Dok Library and Director, Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision


Diamond Sponsor Keynote: Digital Equity in Our Communities

09:45 AM2023-03-282023-03-28

Tuesday, March 28: 9:45 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Digital equity in itself will not result in significant improvements in quality of life unless tightly linked by local leaders to corresponding efforts to dramatically improve educational and economic opportunity, health outcomes, and other key social impacts. Additionally, investments in digital equity initiatives in underserved communities without full integration of systemic solutions will not yield impactful change. What value are “cheap boxes and wires” for low-income learners, families, communities, and wage earners if these resources aren’t tied deliberately and thoughtfully to concurrent efforts to open up pathways to STEM and other living-wage careers? Librarians are perhaps the single most important profession of the digital age. Their training, expertise, and desire to serve as guides to all aspects of digital content and tools make them incomparable partners and leaders in a community’s efforts to make sure that all users’ most pressing needs for relevant, trustworthy information are met. Please join Dr. McLaughlin to learn how libraries can play a greater role in delivering and supporting a systemic approach to digital equity.

Sponsored by

Robert McLaughlin, Co-Founder & Executive Director, National Collaborative for Digital Equity


Welcome & Introductions

10:15 AM2023-03-282023-03-28

Tuesday, March 28: 10:15 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.


, Director, LLEAD Institute and Partner Emeritus, Dysart & Jones Associates


One-on-One With Keynote

10:30 AM2023-03-282023-03-28

Tuesday, March 28: 10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.

Take a deep dive into the artificial parade with van Nispen. Just for Summit attendees. 


, Founder, Dok Library and Director, Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision


Emotional Labor: You Aren’t Alone

11:15 AM2023-03-282023-03-28

Tuesday, March 28: 11:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Let’s begin with a real challenge: emotional labour. Emotional labor (spelled in U.S., British and Canadian English) has been acknowledged and addressed for those in healthcare, education, and other roles that are people-intensive and often predominately female-dominated since the late 1970s. What has been frustrating is that the tactics for easing and managing this rather intangible labor have called for managers to better support employees and provide more autonomy and training. These are all quite valid for every employee. Managers and leaders at all levels are also employees. Who is supporting and training those in senior leadership roles? Let’s explore practical supports for you.


, Certified Professional Leadership Coach, Andrea Freeman Coaching & Consulting and SGR Partners

, Director, LLEAD Institute and Partner Emeritus, Dysart & Jones Associates


Attendee Lunch & Discussion: Key Issues, Trends, & Actions

12:30 PM2023-03-282023-03-28

Tuesday, March 28: 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Candid conversations with Summit Sponsors including Computer in Libraries diamond sponsors EBSCO, Communico, and OCLC.


What Strategic Questions Should We Be Asking?

01:30 PM2023-03-282023-03-28

Tuesday, March 28: 1:30 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.

Now that we’ve addressed the supports leaders need emotionally, let’s look at the strategic challenges you face. As leaders, we’re expected to make decisions and help people craft solutions. Yet in the current context of exponential change and uncertainty, the decisions and solutions can’t always be based on past experiences. Asking powerful questions prompts us to reframe situations and connect what may seem to be unrelated concepts into the appropriate solution. Powerful questions lead to powerful thinking, strategies, and actions. So, what strategic questions should we be asking?


, Global Librarian - Library & Leadership Consultant, Holmquist Consult

, Executive Director, USMAI Library Consortium, University System of Maryland and Affiliated Institutions (USMAI)

, Director, Digital Scholarship & Studio X, University of Rochester, River Campus Libraries


Content: Are Collections Relevant?

03:00 PM2023-03-282023-03-28

Tuesday, March 28: 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

There is a deep interdependent relationship between library staff, services, and resources. The continually changing format and nature of these resources are challenging us on many fronts, including how we refer to them: Are they collections? Content? Information objects? Curated materials? We consider the factors, realities, and developments of digital, print, multimedia, open access, intellectual property, self-publishing, repositories, curating, pricing and financing, and ownership. Then we take a well-deserved break.


, Assistant Director, Enterprise Information & Records, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

, Dean of Albertsons Library, Boise State University and Emeritus Professor, University of Nevada, Reno & Author, Selecting & Implementing Technologies in Libraries


Exhibit Hall Opening Reception

04:00 PM2023-03-282023-03-28

Tuesday, March 28: 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Join us as we celebrate the opening of the Computers in Libraries 2023 Exhibition with tasty bites, drinks, and live music. Featuring leading-edge companies, the exhibits offer visitors a choice of products in all aspects of library technology, including web-based products and services, integrated library and information systems, online services document delivery services and more.  


Wednesday, Mar 29

Track LLS: Library Leaders Summit

Rebecca Jones, Director, LLEAD Institute
Located in Potomac 1/2, Ballroom Level

Library Communities, AI, & Possible Futures

08:45 AM2023-03-292023-03-29

Wednesday, March 29: 8:45 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.

ChatGPT and other similar large language models have captured the imagination. Our news is flooded with developers curating these models to more closely represent historical figures and/or experts on topic areas. And the news is not always so good. This talk explores the role of librarians in the age of AI. Who better than librarians to trust to determine which datasets, which books, and which speeches to use to train the ontologies that power our AI? Let our expert gamer, techie, and AI specialist paint the picture of possible futures.

Phaedra Boinodiris, Principal Consultant Trustworthy AI, IBM


Diamond Sponsor Keynote: Libraries: Engaging With Technology, Supporting Communities

09:45 AM2023-03-292023-03-29

Wednesday, March 29: 9:45 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Hear how libraries are engaging with their communities using new and exciting technology.  Whether it’s a town or region or an educational campus, libraries are finding innovative ways to connect with their customers, users, and students. Get ideas to try in your community.

Sponsored by

Paul Quelch, CEO, Communico


One-on-One With Keynote

10:30 AM2023-03-292023-03-29

Wednesday, March 29: 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Take a deep dive into the impact of AI for libraries with Boinodiris. Just for Summit attendees.


, Global Leader for Responsible AI, IBM Consulting and Author, AI for the Rest of Us


Trends: What Are We Overlooking or Missing?

11:30 AM2023-03-292023-03-29

Wednesday, March 29: 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

The word for the last couple of years was “pivot,” which makes some people now gag. To a great extent the library sector did not have the digital strategies that had been discussed for years before the pandemic. What trends and low signals should we be watching, and what strategies should we have in place for next time? Because there will be a next time. Let’s take a hard look and consider some hard questions.


, VP, Library Operations, Library Systems & Services, LLC

, Futurist, Senior Scholar, Georgetown University and Author, Gearing Up for Learning Beyond K–12 and The New Digital Storytelling

, Trends Expert & Principal Product Manager, Instacart


Attendee Lunch

12:30 PM2023-03-292023-03-29

Wednesday, March 29: 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.


Talent: Does Organizational Culture Eat Strategy for Breakfast?

01:30 PM2023-03-292023-03-29

Wednesday, March 29: 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

With more than 65% of most library and information department budgets invested in people, libraries truly are people organizations. This discussion addresses the issues confronting library staffing, particularly recruiting and retaining talent, as well as the incredible opportunities for people in the sector. What is the right balance of competency, capacity, and capabilities for today and the near future?


, Organizational Development Librarian / Executive Coach, University of Manitoba

, Executive Director, Las Vegas-Clark County Library District


Digitality, Disruption, Change: Do We Really Understand?

02:50 PM2023-03-292023-03-29

Wednesday, March 29: 2:50 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.

Disruption “for good” was part of the early credo of digital innovation. But in today’s context we need to re-evaluate our feelings and our basic understanding of digitality, disruption, and the tension between change and continuity in our libraries and communities. Disruption is impacting the sector in forms we did not anticipate (book bans; anti-library activism; infowars; and in museums, young climate protesters are defacing cultural treasures to put a spotlight on societal inaction). Edson, a passionate practitioner in the museum and tech industries, shares models and insights to consider as we think through and clarify how to move our organizations forward, with flexibility and resiliency, in challenging times.


, Museum Director, Founder, and Digital Cultural Strategist


Next Steps: Recouping Your Investment

04:15 PM2023-03-292023-03-29

Wednesday, March 29: 4:15 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.

What has resonated in the Summit discussions, and what is troubling? Let’s document our individual and college key outcomes and next steps to ensure we recoup our Summit investment.



04:45 PM2023-03-292023-03-29

Wednesday, March 29: 4:45 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

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