Kevin Hohl

AR Machine

Kevin Hohl is a visionary leader in the field of augmented reality, currently serving as the Partner/Chief Executive Officer of Augmented Reality Machine, Inc. With a deep passion for technology and innovation, Kevin embarked on his journey in the industry in 2009. 

Throughout his career, Kevin has made significant contributions to the field, particularly in the realm of cultural institutions. His expertise and creativity have led him to work closely with several prestigious museums across the state of Florida, revolutionizing the way visitors engage with exhibits. By seamlessly merging the digital and physical worlds, Kevin's augmented reality projects have captivated audiences and created immersive learning experiences.

In his current role at Augmented Reality Machine, Inc., Kevin continues to push the boundaries of augmented reality, placing a strong focus on creating innovative AR experiences for museums, libraries, and learning institutions. By harnessing the power of AR, Kevin and his team empower these institutions to offer engaging and valuable educational content, unlocking a new level of interaction and understanding for their audiences.

Kevin's dedication to advancing augmented reality technology and his commitment to providing exceptional experiences have earned him recognition as a leading figure in the industry. His visionary approach and strategic mindset consistently drive him to explore new possibilities and revolutionize the way we learn, connect, and experience the world around us.

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